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Everyday Essentials

Natural. Natural health. Natural beauty. Natural etc. It's a big hype right now, and for good reason! Customers (me included) are finally becoming more aware of what is in the products we use in our home and on our bodies....and we aren't liking what we see! So we turn to natural solutions. But so many times, we know how to buy natural products, but then we don't know how to use them...

This post shares tips and tricks to revamping your daily routine with the Top 10 essential oils in an easy and effortless way!

1. Lemon- Every morning add 1-2 drops in a glass of water to help detox the body!

Tip: Don't forget to use a glass or aluminum cup or bottle since the essential oils are so strong and powerful they can break down don't want that in your body!

2. Lavender- Diffuse 2-3 drops at night to help promote better sleep! Lavender is wonderful for relaxing and calming us.

3. Peppermint- Apply to temples whenever your head hurts and you feel like your brain is actually cramping inside of your skull. Or simply inhale peppermint right out of the bottle or in your hands for a mid-day pick-me-up energy boost!

Tip: careful applying peppermint on your face near your eyes....

it will make your eyes watery at first.

4. On Guard- Apply 1-2 drops on the bottom of your feet every morning and night to boost your immune system and get you ready to fight the germs you encounter throughout the day!

5. Deep Blue- Massage 1-2 drops with fractionated coconut oil into sore muscles after a workout or a long day at work.

Tip: Deep Blue is like your all natural bengay!

So refreshing and relieving!

6. Oregano- Add 1 drop to your favorite pasta sauce instead of the spice.

Tip: Many of the essential oils are great for cooking with. However, 1 drop goes a long way, so less is more when cooking or baking with essential oils.

7. Breathe- Simply inhale out of the bottle or put 1 drop in your hands and inhale before a workout to help open up your airways and help your breathing while pushing yourself hard during your workout.

8. DigestZen- Add 1-2 drops with fractionated coconut oil onto your abdomen/stomach to help with discomfort after eating a heavy meal or food that didn't agree with you.

9. Melaleuca (Tea Tree)- Apply 1 drop to a pesky pimple that just popped up to say hello to help dry it out and cleanse the skin.

Tip: Again, a little goes a long way!

10. Frankincense- The oils of all oils! When you don't know what oil(s) to use, more than likely Frankincense can do the job! There's a reason baby Jesus was gifted Frankincense ;)

My favorite everyday use is to add one drop to my facial moisturizer to help with skin imperfections, wrinkles, and help rejuvenate the skin.

By no means is this an exhaustive list of all the uses for the Top 10 oils, but these are how I use them everyday to help support my body and mind. I hope this helps to see how easy it is to implement natural options like essential oils into your everyday routine. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

If you don't have your essential oils yet, but want to get started, follow the directions on the Shop page to help you order your oils! If you have any questions along the way, don't hesitate to contact me at

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